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To provide services to the school that will enhance the educational climate;
To improve communication between home, school, the School Council and the Town of Wellesley;
To provide information regarding School Committee policies and budgets;
To provide financial and other volunteer support for the activities and needs of the school;
To increase understanding of children and their education, in order to guarantee the best education possible for our children.
Executive BoardCo-Presidents: Jess Pratt, Nicole Schmidt Vice Presidents: Jenna Synborski, Renee Lee Treasurers: Jill Garrison, Kunal Udeshi Secretary: Caroline Pretyman Communications+Website: Caitlin Sateia Social Media: Rachel Voris Past President Advisors: Abby Petz, Lauren Moore
CommunicationsBlast Newsletter: Caitlin Sateia Directory Editor: Tara Ventura Yearbook Editor/Photographer: Natalia Rasmussen
Community Service (vacant positions!)Community Service Chair: Lauren Scarpati Food Recovery: Anne Orloff, Jessica Blum-Tucker Garden: Cecilia Malconian, Athena Kertzman, Bethany Cangiamila Green Team: Vacant Hospitality Coordinator: Kim Stott Wellesley Parade: Vacant
EnrichmentGrade 5 Activities, Jobs, Student Council: Jen Green, Rose Carpenter Creative Arts+Sciences: Jen Green Family Events: Caitlin Sateia, Laura Benson, Megan Keefe Field Day: Chrissy Daddario, Lindsey McCullough Kindergarten Coordinators: Jaclyn Laufer, Sophia Begg Library Aide Coordinator: Laura Benson New Families Coordinator: Julie Byrne Room Parent Coordinator: Carrie Williams School Picture Day: Deb McGinn, Laura Benson STEM Representative: Jen Green Teacher Appreciation: Cecilia Malconian, Libby Pingpank
FundraisingApparel: Susan Hurley Book Fair: Anne Orloff, Stacey Percia Original Works: Jess Pratt Pumpkin Fair: Janet Griffin, Kate Champion
LiasonsMETCO Representative: Rachel Wilson (Kaplan) Wait Until 8th Coordinators: Mercedes Leboreiro, Stacey Percia
Volunteer Positions
Academic Year 2024-2025
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